#DigPINS is an open, online, connected digital pedagogy faculty development experience that explores: Pedagogy, Identity, Networks, and Scholarship (PINS) as they take form in digital environments. #DigPINS is different than most faculty development around technology in that it cultivates an online community who, together, explore complex issues around digital pedagogy while in a fully online environment. Faculty grapple with real issues around what it means to teach, learn, and communicate in online environments while building digital skills and proficiencies.

I co-designed the open #DigPINS curriculum template with Sundi Richard and I have facilitated #DigPINS with several cohorts as part of my employment at St. Norbert and the University of Michigan – Dearborn. I have also co-faciliated #DigPINS with a group of Instructional Designers as part of an initiative with the Pedagome network. The open template is available at digpins.org under a CC-BY-NC-SA license which can be copied and changed to suit the needs of others as long as it is for non-commercial use and is shared in-kind with the same Creative Commons license.

Being openly licensed the #DigPINS curriculum is openly licensed and can be adopted by any school looking to take a connected and organic approach to faculty development around academic technology.